Belgian economic mission to the United Kingdom from 8 to 12 May

Together with State Secretary for Foreign Trade and International Relations Pascal Smet, some fifty representatives of Brussels companies are travelling to London this week. They are part of the Belgian economic mission led by Princess Astrid.

For the first time in two years, our Brussels companies have the opportunity to take part in a Belgian economic mission. Covid-19 led to several postponements, but now these companies can finally promote their products and services again during a mission.

The great interest in this mission proves the long wait and that the UK is still in demand. No fewer than 50 representatives of Brussels-based companies from various sectors such as sustainable construction, the GDPR, arbitration sector are taking part.

Their participation perfectly matches our foreign trade objectives, such as the valorisation of our companies and our region and the support of our exporters. The royal family shows great support for this regional competence. In non-Covid times, Her Royal Highness Princess Astrid leads a Belgian economic mission twice a year in which the three regional export promotion agencies participate. The federal agency for foreign trade (ACE) provides logistical support during these missions.

“After Covid and the Brexit, our companies need to re-establish their ties with the UK. The UK is our region's seventh customer for the export of goods but is in decline. In the coming days, we will highlight the expertise and dynamism of our entrepreneurs, especially in the sectors of arbitration, passive construction and sustainable building. A princely mission offers opportunities. Thanks to the work of, we are helping our businesses to seize those opportunities,” explained State Secretary for Foreign Trade and International Relations Pascal Smet.

Brussels presents its assets

“In London, Brussels will present its internationally recognised assets in two specific sectors: arbitration and sustainable construction. Two priority sectors of the Brussels Region, a region in full economic transition, with a business climate that is focused on services. An undeniable asset on the British market... The two activities managed by will focus on the exchange of practices and experiences between the Belgian and British partners,” explained Isabelle Grippa, ceo of

Seminar “Arbitration & Digitalisation: a perfect match”

Brussels offers internationally renowned expertise. Our region has a strong reputation in terms of arbitration, the private resolution of disputes from commercial relations between companies, investors and states. Our European capital has unique advantages and meets all the requirements to resolve commercial disputes in an effective, secure and accessible manner.

This seminar is organised in cooperation with CEPANI (Belgian Centre for Arbitration and Mediation) and its main objective is to convince offices of UK lawyers and legal advisers that Brussels is the appropriate arbitration place for their commercial contracts.

Seminar : “Towards net positive cities – How Brussels and London can help each other to accelerate the path to net positive companies, building and cities by boosting the sharing of innovation between businesses and government”

Brussels is an international pioneer in the field of sustainable and circular building. This seminar will highlight our region’s efforts and expertise in this sector. Our government supports this sector from the selection of materials that can be reused and recycled without quality loss to the optimisation of the product life span and the pursuit of energy efficiency during design and renovation.

How can professionals and users work together to design cities that give back to the world more than they take? Eight Brussels-based companies and their UK counterparts in sustainable construction are tackling this ambitious question. They are examining it during discussions organised with ULI Europe.

Marc Debont

Porte-parole, Cabinet du Secrétaire d'État Pascal Smet

About Pascal Smet

Brussels Government, Secretary of State for Urbanism and Heritage - European and International Relations - Foreign Trade - Fire fighting and Emmergency medical Assistance

Member of the Board of the Flemish Community Commission (VGC), responsible for Culture,Youth, Sport, Community Centres, Living Together and Diversity


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