Everyone can now apply online for regional planning permits in Brussels

Digitisation and automation for faster, more efficient and quality urban planning procedures

From now on, everyone can apply for a regional planning permit in Brussels. This is a new, important step towards digital and more efficient urban planning procedures. A major ambition of State Secretary for Urbanism Pascal Smet has thus been achieved.

During the first stage, public actors were able to apply for planning permits at regional level. With this new step in the digitisation process, Brussels’ urban planning is entering a new, digital era. From now on, all planning permit applications at regional level can be submitted digitally on the MyPermit platform. Urban.brussels and the Brussels Regional Informatics Centre (BRIC) developed this tool together.

“Every year, around 800 urban planning permit applications are submitted to urban.brussels. From now on, you can do this online on the MyPermit platform. This is a big step forward. By focusing on digitisation and automation, we can make urban planning procedures faster, more efficient and at the same time improve their quality,” explained Pascal Smet, State Secretary for Urbanism and Heritage.

Specifically, applications can be submitted from today at mypermit.urban.brussels. This means you no longer have to create five paper copies and personally hand in piles of plans at Urban’s office at Mont des Arts. Applicants can also easily complete their application during the procedure.

In the next step, planning permit applications at municipal level can also go digital. This step is planned for 2023. In the meantime, urban.brussels is offering all its expertise to the municipalities so that they can jump on the digital bandwagon. Guiding the municipalities is a key element for the success of this digital transformation.   

What files are submitted at regional level?

  • The applicant is a person governed by public law.
  • The application relates to a property that is on the preservation list, protected or for which the protection procedure is pending.
  • The application is subject to a prior impact assessment (impact report or study)
  • The application relates to public utility works
  • The application relates to a mixed project (requiring both a class 1A or 1B planning and environmental permit).
  • The application relates to a non-utilised business space included in the inventory


mypermit.brussels (versie 1)(3).mp4

MP4 - 36 Mb

Damiaan De Jonge

Woordvoerder, Kabinet Pascal Smet


About Pascal Smet

Brussels Government, Secretary of State for Urbanism and Heritage - European and International Relations - Foreign Trade - Fire fighting and Emmergency medical Assistance

Member of the Board of the Flemish Community Commission (VGC), responsible for Culture,Youth, Sport, Community Centres, Living Together and Diversity


Zenith Koning Albert II laan 37 - 12de 1030 Brussel

02 517 12 00

