House of master glazier Raphaël Evaldre now protected

The Brussels government has approved the protection of Raphaël Evaldre's former private home and artist studio. It does so at the initiative of State Secretary for Heritage Pascal Smet.

“We are continuing our policy of protecting and enhancing Brussels Art Nouveau. Raphaël Evaldre is among the most famous master glaziers of the Art Nouveau. He also worked closely with Victor Horta. His house was built in 1929 and its interior has been particularly well preserved.  We want to ensure this preservation in the future. That is why we are now classifying this remarkable property,” said Pascal Smet.

History of Evaldre’s house

The house in particular is unique for its bow window with its Art Nouveau layout and for its skylight window that lit up the artist's studio.

The master glazier’s influence is clearly visible on the facade and in the arrangement of the rooms. For example, there is a strong presence of ornamented glazing and a remarkable positioning of the skylight window that illuminates the artist's studio. Indeed, this house has “hybrid” characteristics, with both Art Nouveau, already out of fashion at the time, and Art Deco, which on the contrary was in vogue.

The authenticity of this particularly well-preserved interior is confirmed by its many original details, such as the woodwork, the interior doors with the original glass, electric switches, radiator casings, the kitchen lift, the glass cooker hood in the basement kitchen... It shows that Raphaël Evaldre's former private home and artist's studio not only offers undeniable aesthetic quality, but also is a perfectly preserved reminder of an important Art Nouveau personality.

Address of the Evaldre house: 185, Avenue Coghen in Uccle

It should be noted that the owners urgently brought an action before the Council of State against the Brussels Government's decision to initiate the protection procedure. The Council of State did not follow their arguments.

Damiaan De Jonge

Woordvoerder, Kabinet Pascal Smet


About Pascal Smet

Brussels Government, Secretary of State for Urbanism and Heritage - European and International Relations - Foreign Trade - Fire fighting and Emmergency medical Assistance

Member of the Board of the Flemish Community Commission (VGC), responsible for Culture,Youth, Sport, Community Centres, Living Together and Diversity


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