Pascal Smet closes down Pont Marchant in Anderlecht

Brussels Minister of Mobility Pascal Smet decided to close down at once the Pont Marchant bridge. He did so after consulting the municipality of Anderlecht. All motorised traffic over the bridge is banned. Under the bridge, the underlying Digue du Canal will be closed to all traffic, pedestrians included.

On December 10th, a piece of concrete fell off the bridge, right onto a vehicle. An inspection of the site followed and showed that the bridge appears to be in very poor shape. Its concrete layer is on the verge of crumbling down. It is no longer safe for cars or vans to cross the bridge. To avoid all risks, Minister Smet, after consultation with the mayor of Anderlecht, gave orders to shut down the bridge immediately. Cyclists and pedestrians are still allowed on the bridge, motorised vehicles no longer. The Digue du Canal under the bridge will be fully closed for traffic, as pieces of concrete may tumble down.

Tonight at 19 pm. the police and Brussels Mobility will block the road and install a provisional diversion. In the days to come, that diversion will be evaluated and fine-tuned if needed.

In January 2015, Minister Smet will consult Minister-president Vervoort and the mayor of Anderlecht to discuss the future of the bridge. The question at stake is whether the bridge (built in 1936) can be renovated or should be torn down and replaced.

Contact us
Gorik Van Holen Dutch spokesperson, Cabinet of Minister Pascal Smet
Marc Debont French spokesperson , Cabinet of Minister Pascal Smet
Gorik Van Holen Dutch spokesperson, Cabinet of Minister Pascal Smet
Marc Debont French spokesperson , Cabinet of Minister Pascal Smet
About Pascal Smet

Brussels Government, Secretary of State for Urbanism and Heritage - European and International Relations - Foreign Trade - Fire fighting and Emmergency medical Assistance

Member of the Board of the Flemish Community Commission (VGC), responsible for Culture,Youth, Sport, Community Centres, Living Together and Diversity

Pascal Smet
Koning Albert II laan 37 - 12de
1030 Brussel