The Law Courts of Brussels reveals its secrets

The Law Courts of Brussels opens its doors to the general public. As of Saturday 9 April 2022, everyone can once again discover the history and exceptional architecture of this mythical building. The federal government, the government of Brussels and the Court of Cassation are joining forces for this purpose.

For many Belgians and the people of Brussels, there is something mysterious about the Law Courts and foreign visitors stand in awe upon discovering the size, the architecture and the location of this majestic building. It is one of the most photographed places in our capital, along with the adjacent Place Poelaert, offering a magnificent view over the city.

The request to make the Law Courts more accessible to visitors was not new. Over the course of the past year, Pascal Smet, Brussels State Secretary for Urbanism and Heritage took, on a political level, along with the Court of Cassation, the initiative to bring everyone around the table. The Belgian Buildings Agency and the State Secretary in charge of it immediately went along with the story. The Belgian Buildings Agency devised the convention with the practical arrangements. Today, this results in a beautiful collaboration, bringing together the Belgian Buildings Agency, the FPS Justice, the Court of Cassation and the Brussels-Capital Region (via and


Thanks to the cooperation between the different levels of policy, individual visitors can from now on also join every Wednesday and Saturday a guided tour led by the guide associations Korei Guided Tours and Arkadia.

An impressive building

With a total net surface of approximately 80,000 m², the Law Courts of Brussels is one of the largest courthouses in the world and defines the skyline of our capital. The imposing building is a part of our heritage and still manages to impress passers-by. The massive dome of 24,000 tons and 142 meters high is and remains an eye-catcher. The impressive reception area, the Salle des Pas Perdus, is approximately 3,600 m² with a compass rose with sixteen ray marks in the center.
Do not get lost in this building and follow the guide.

Guided tours

Many people from Belgium and abroad would be only too happy to discover the intriguing history and exceptional architecture of the Law Courts. The pandemic outbreak made this no longer possible. This is about to change: as of Saturday 9 April 2022, guided tours will be taking place again in the building. It is now even possible to register individually for a guided visit with an expert guide. An initiative that will undoubtedly appeal to a wide audience.
The Brussels-Capital Region commits a sum of 30,000 euros through Urban to carry out the guided tours.

“Palais de Justice is part of our collective heritage, although not many people have visited its interior. Let’s change that! In addition to protecting and renovating our heritage, opening iconic buildings is a cornerstone of my heritage policy. That is why I took the initiative to gather everyone involved so that from now on all Brusselers and visitors can discover this landmark," said Pascal Smet, Brussels State Secretary for Urbanism and Heritage.

“As State Secretary for the Federal Buildings Authority, Palais de Justice in Brussels is a priority for me. It is an important part of our historical heritage and we should be proud of it. The richness of this remarkable architectural masterpiece deserves to be shared with all Belgians, but also with visitors from all over the world. I am delighted with this cooperation between the Federal Government and the Region. It demonstrates our determination to give the world’s largest law courts back the splendour it deserves."

Rudi Vervoort, Minister-President of the Brussels Region says:  “I am pleased that the general public will be able to rediscover the history and the exceptional spaces of the Law Courts. This gem has been kept hidden for the last two years but will now be accessible again to the public. Everyone knows this emblematic building of Brussels, but only few have ever gone inside. I therefore recommend you climb the stairs to discover this gem of Joseph Poelaert and the view over Brussels from the square that bears his name.”

Practical information
Korei Guided Tours provides the guided tours in Dutch and English. Arkadia covers the guided tours in French. A visit lasts approximately 1 hour and a half and a visitors group is limited to a maximum of 25 people.  
The guided tours with individual registration take place every Wednesday (afternoon) and Saturday (afternoon) as of 9 April 2022.

The following rates are applicable:

Wednesday afternoon    
Adults    13 euros
Under the age of 26     10 euros

Saturday afternoon    
Adults    16 euros
Under the age of 26     12 euros

To participate individually in a guided tour, registration in advance is mandatory via the websites (French) and (Dutch/English).

Guided tours for groups are possible every workday between 10 a.m. and 4.45 p.m., with a maximum of 20 people per group.

The following rates are applicable for: 
-    schools: 100 euros per guided tour;
-    non-profit organisations: 150 euros per group;
-    profit-organisations: 180 euros per group. 

Registration for a group visit is mandatory via e-mail to (French) or (Dutch and English).

Damiaan De Jonge

Woordvoerder, Kabinet Pascal Smet


About Pascal Smet

Brussels Government, Secretary of State for Urbanism and Heritage - European and International Relations - Foreign Trade - Fire fighting and Emmergency medical Assistance

Member of the Board of the Flemish Community Commission (VGC), responsible for Culture,Youth, Sport, Community Centres, Living Together and Diversity


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